

Welcome to our blog! We are happy you are here and are excited to share in our adventures!

Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Happy Monday!

I am realllllly trying to be more consistent with my blog so I have come up with 3 SURE posts per week (Monday/Wedneday/Friday) to try to stay organized and make sure I am writing about the things I would love to share with you guys!

Monday is now officially for Monday Musings. I’ll use this day to give life updates, talk about places we are going or current events and share about life. Wednesday will be “Where We Went Wednesday” where I will share details and specifics about our travels, tips, locations and what we liked/didn’t like about these locations. Friday will be Favorite’s Friday and I will share a product/place/restaurant/website/book… whatever! I will pick a favorite I have in life and explain the details all about it.

Today is incredibly exciting because we had our countertops installed on Friday! We have been working on getting those in for about 7 weeks so it’s been so fun to see them go in. Now we are going back and forth on the big debate: to paint or not paint the kitchen cabinets. After spending hours on pinterest I think I have come to the conclusion that I will paint at least the bottom cabinets (two toned is huge right now?). I will paint them either black or white, but am leaning toward black. Then I will have to decide if I should make the top match, leave them wood, or paint them the opposite. SO many decisions that are so permanent! Eek. I will keep you guys updated on how it goes!

We also had the chance to take my son and my nephews to the COOLEST thing on Saturday. It was an exhibit in AZ for only the weekend all about dinosaurs. Maddux is obsessed with “di-di’s” right now so he was in absolute heaven.

This week we are going to focus on painting the rest of our home and getting everything completely done so we can finally feel 100% settled. It’s been the weirdest limbo for almost a year between putting our house on the market in Massachusetts, moving to AZ, finding and buying a house, and then getting this one livable. It’s been quite a year! We are looking to start a new business (in the next couple of weeks!) so we are really trying to get everything done before then!

On Valentine’s Day, we booked a trip to Alaska to visit my sister up there during my nieces birthday. It’s not until May but I am stoked! It’s not easy or cheap to get there. We used Southwest points to get to Seattle, google flights to arrange travel with Alaska Airlines and Delta for the flights to Anchorage and back, and will still have to drive a ways because we are looking to fly in to Anchorage instead of Kenai (which is much closer but would be another flight we had to pay for). Just wanted to keep it real with our travels, it’s not just us throwing dollar bills out the window! We try to be really creative to save as much money as possible.

Where We Went Wednesday: Saguaro Lake & Salt River Arizona

Where We Went Wednesday: Saguaro Lake & Salt River Arizona

Answers to my most asked question... HAIR PRODUCTS!

Answers to my most asked question... HAIR PRODUCTS!