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5 Things Bloggers Told Me to Buy That I Actually Loved

5 Things Bloggers Told Me to Buy That I Actually Loved

Ok, first thing's first. I realize the irony of writing this on a blog. Second, I know I don't have to purchase anything a blogger/influencer suggests. Sometimes I just want to. There have been MANY times I have NOT loved what I purchased. I'll do another blog post on this topic in the future!

For now, let's get to it! These are in no particular order. 

I was told this bra is comfortable and incredible by Tara and she was not wrong! It's a concept I have never felt in a bra before and it's the first bra I've worn that I haven't been counting down the minutes until I can take it off. It was part of my 30th birthday present to myself and I do not regret it AT ALL.

I can't even trace back to who I first heard about these jeans from, because there were probably 100 different influencers talking about them. They are incredible high-wasted jeans and I still wear them almost every day. Keep in mind, though, that I am ridiculously short and had to cut the bottoms off of these to actually enjoy wearing them. You can see me in them HERE.

This book! So good! I have heard about it from several people but the one who convinced me to read it is Kirtley. My biggest take-away from it was about keeping promises made to myself. Rachel really put it in to perspective for me... I often will decide I am going to do something and convince myself I will and then completely bail. A race I never trained for. A workout regimen I didn't stick to. A business venture I never started. We wouldn't want to treat a friend with these types of flaky promises, so why do we treat ourselves this way? It has really helped me to be more honest with myself and the things I am able to do.

I heard about this mascara, once again from Tara, and it rocks! It's a two layer system, but not quite fiber lashes. It comes off so easily and makes your lashes look so long! It's cheap. It's easy to get. Win win win.

This is another that was recommended so many times that there's no chance I could tell you where I heard about them. They are amazing. The best quality I have found in a Mocc (and I have bought from several other places). I usually buy them during a sale because they do tend to be pricey, but they are worn so much and last so long that they are well worth the price!

I hope this list was helpful if you have been considering any of these! A lot of times it is an investment to try some of these things so I completely understand not wanting to take a chance. For me, these were all tried and true suggestions from people I found on instagram! Let me know if you try any of them out, and what your opinion is!


Gossip Girl. JK.



Mom & I Take Kimball Farm

Mom & I Take Kimball Farm