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At-Home Pink Ombre Nails

At-Home Pink Ombre Nails

Hey hey hey!

Today I have a post that's, once again, a little different than normal. It's happened often enough that I wanted to officially declare that my blog will hold not just posts about adventure, but adventure, motherhood and style. I wanted to expand from solely being about adventure because, although that's the most important focus in my mind, I am also not one dimensional. I want to show anything that is helpful to me as a mother as well as style that's realistic for other mothers and women my age. I am a big fan of finding dupe's and good deals, so I will be featuring a little bit more of that side of me!

Today's post is about a mom-hack that I am so thankful for! I love having my nails painted and put together but it's not possible for me to make it to the salon often. It just seems silly to get a babysitter or have my husband stay home from work for a 45 minute nail appointment, plus the cost to do it every other week just gets outrageous. Don't get me wrong, I do have those days. Everyone needs a good mental health treat yourself day every now and then. It's just not realistic for me to do every time I want my nails done. Enter my hack = doing them myself. Seems silly to even say, but I don't mean just simply painting my nails. I mean having the gel manicure system at home. 

I must add a disclaimer that I didn't buy my light lamp to do my at-home gel nails, it was actually a Christmas gift from my mom! However, I LOVE doing my nails while Maddux is sleeping. It's a fun little distraction and outlet for me to relax a pamper myself a bit. I have linked the kit I use. Once again, mine was a gift and I know it is pricey, so I also linked another one that has good reviews on Amazon. I did this little pink ombre color job on myself, at home. It's so simple! Base coat, cure, gel color, cure, top coat, cure. That's it!

That's literally it! So simple and it has helped me actually have manicured hands and toes whereas previously I never had the time to get to a salon!


This is the kit I have (click the image for the link). It is a little pricey, but was a gift. It definitely has gotten my mother's money worth in use, though!



This kit is similar (click the image for the link), but significantly cheaper and has great amazon reviews!



If your kit doesn't come with one, you are going to need a base and top coat. These are the ones I started with and I still use the foundation!



This is the top coat I am currently using. You don't gave to wipe off the top sticky layer after curing it which just makes it that much faster. Love it!



These are the colors I used to create the ombre look! They all come in this package which is a great deal for quality colors!

Have you used an at-home nail kit before? Let me know! Happy almost weekend!

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