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Friday Favorite: Vertellis!

Friday Favorite: Vertellis!

Hey friends!

Happy Friday! I am excited today to bring you something I have been working on for a while now! That is… my morning routine. It’s not perfect and what I do is not perfect for everyone, but there are some key ingredients that I really think are positives for everyone to start their day. I have been doing research about the importance of morning routines, as well as reading books like Miracle Morning, and it has me convinced that this is a vital part of the day for you (and me)!

I only recently implemented this routine consistently, so as I become more and more accustomed to it the better it will be. All the things I do are things I used to scatter throughout my day. Since my days are pretty unpredictable, most of the things never got done. Now that I know the order I will do them in, I have really been able to stay consistent!

It basically goes in this order:

  1. Make Maddux and I breakfast. Seth will go exercise during this time.

  2. While we eat, I read my scriptures first, then write in my journal second.

  3. Seth and I switch; I go exercise while he watches Maddux.

That’s literally it! Nothing too crazy BUT there are 3 key things I do every day that I didn’t used to. Exercise, which needs no explanation. I used to try to put it off until there was a “good time” and Seth could watch Maddux which means it typically didn’t happen. The second is scripture reading which is a personal choice, but any type of reading is great for keeping you from scrolling through social media and jumpstart your mind first thing in the morning. The last key factor in my mornings is what I really want to focus on: journaling.

I have talked about it on instagram before, but about 6 months ago I started writing down my goals as if I had already accomplished them and the things I was thankful for that specific day. Both of these things have helped me achieve goals AND be a happier person in general because I focus on the good things that are happening to me.

ENTER: Vertellis.

A few months in to this morning routine and writing down my goals and gratitude in just a plain notebook, I discovered Vertellis. This company is dedicated to bringing relationships closer together in all kinds of capacities, and this journal brings your closer to yourself. They offer a journal called Chapters; it is a guided journaling journey that prompts your thoughts, your goals, your gratitude and (something new and different that I LOVE) helps you focus on things going right as well as things you can work on changing. It starts your day with an inspiring quote, and then guides you through self reflection and accountability. It’s inspiring and BEAUTIFUL! I wanted to use it a bit before sharing with anyone to make sure I preferred this process to my old one. I am SOLD. I love using this guide to lead me in the direction of focus, motivation and general self awareness through my current circumstances. I would recommend this as a gift for someone in your life, or as a gift to TREAT Yo’SELF. If you start your day with this journey, I can assure you that you will be more focused, motivated and thankful for the things in your life.

To read more about Vertellis and their mission, or to see the Chapters journal and find one for yourself, click the button below!

Use the code mistrichins15 for 15% off!

Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Where We Went Wednesday: Saguaro Lake & Salt River Arizona

Where We Went Wednesday: Saguaro Lake & Salt River Arizona