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Monday Musings

Monday Musings

….and the Oscar goes to: the Tiffany’s Diamond!

Wow, that thing is 😍 did you guys watch the Oscars last night? I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I am an award show junkie. I don’t watch reality tv (no Bachelor, Kardashians, Housewives, Teen Mom, anything of the sort) but I CAN NOT get enough of award shows. It’s my celebrity weakness. ANYWAY… the Oscars (and the MET Gala) are two of my favorite not-real-life nights of the year. Oscar highlights for me include: Queen opening, no host, Tiny/Amy/Maya’s fake monologue, Gaga & Bradley singing Shallow, Rami winning Best Actor (I know they changed the names but we all know what it’s really trying to say), the speech made by the woman who won Best Actress for the Favorite (no idea her name but man was she not the most charming woman on the face of the planet?) and of course Gaga rocking the Tiffany’s Diamond. So stunning.

Also, I wanted to tell you guys that I forgot, like an egghead, to give you a discount code for Vertellis! It’s the amazing journal you can find details about in my last blog post! For the link to the journal click the button below and use the code: mistrichins15 for 15% off! 🎉


As a little life update I wanted to share with anyone who has followed along with Maddux’s speech delay that he has been KILLING it lately! I could cry just thinking about how nervous I was before he started picking up words. It would probably be so helpful to have kept him in therapy, but we had just started speech therapy when we moved from Mass and I haven’t gotten it started out in Arizona yet. I plan to put him in a speech based preschool in the fall because he will be 3/old enough. His speech is still pretty unclear BUT the fact that he is saying words & phrases has given us so much hope that it won’t affect him in the long run. He is saying phrases such as, “I need help” and “ I want my ___(whatever he wants, for the most part)”. It just started in the last two months or so; I think it’s been so helpful to have him around people other than me. My parents and his cousins are around him consistently enough that I really think it has made all the difference 😭 if you are in the midst of dealing with any kind of delay, just know that you aren’t alone! Mom’in ain’t easy and it’s certainly full of anxiety inducing issues. YOU GOT THIS!

Today I am working on making a new desk for my office. If you guys are interested, I will show the process of how I do it! I have been following the account @angelarosehome on Instagram and she has inspired me to do so many home projects on my own. If you are looking to spice up any of your spaces, check her out!

Anyway, happy Monday friends, let’s all make this the best week ever!


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